Hi friends, in today’s article we are going to know about Population Policy of India, characteristics and limitations. So let’s discuss in details.
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Population Policy of India
Population policy is that policy which aims at controlling the excessive growth of population in a country specially in India. As the country is passing through a phase of population explosion, therefore adoption of more positive and effective population, policy is required.
For controlling the growth of population, the Govt. should take a sound population policy which are motivated with controlling population through short term and long term policy implications.
Characteristics of Population Policy of India
Population policy has some important characteristics out of which some are given below –
(i) The population policy aims at achieving the control of population with the help of voluntary co-operation of people. This objective is mainly depend on the reduction of birth rate through voluntarily.
(ii) The population policy in India is also aims at reduced the natural growth of population in the face of continuous fall in death rate. The Govt. tries to control population through this method by popularizing sterilization, spreading literacy rate introducing and popularizing advertisement of population control among woman etc.
(iii) The population policy is India is also motivated to reduce the family size mostly is areas of the country. For popularizing the idea of family size limitation, the govt. can take help from the media magazines booklets.
(iv) The govt. provides various incentives like cash assistance, cash rewards for the people who are going for sterilization. It helps to control the growth rate of population to a greater extent.
(v) Population policy has another important objective to improve the quality of population. It implies that the govt. can take necessary step for improving the living standard of poor people in a country like India which is expected to reduce population.
Limitation or criticism of Population Policy
In India population policy fails to regard as a rational policy for solving the problem of excessive growth of population. It is because such population policies have great leakages that have been noticed specially since 5th plan.
The major linkages or retarding factors of population policy can be stated as follows –
(i) Indian population policy has given much important on opening of family planning clinics. It fails to provide any mental preparation among the people to accept such a system.
(ii) Population policy in India neglects the important of the living standard of people. Therefore it can be states by demographer like Sen, is that the population problem has not been understood properly by Indian govt.
(iii) The population policy in India fails to control the infant mortality rate. Still now there exists perfect correlation between high birth rate and higher infant morality.
(iv) Due to lack of permanent population policy in India, the excessive growth of population is continuously increasing rather than to decrease it. it should be noted that the population policy and family planning programme is followed by the govt. are still adhoc in nature. Because of these demerits, Indian govt. fails to control the excessive growth of population.
So friends, this was the concept of Population Policy. Hope you get the full details about it and hope you like this article.
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